Sunday, October 01, 2017

Bloomington author favors North Korea

I posted this commentary in response to a letter in the Bloomington paper blaming America for the North Korean problem:

The author said: "Since 1953, the North Korean people have endured privation, hunger and Spartan militarism, to hang tough for the imminent American attack." Mr. Thom shows no understanding of the regime, just a pathological dislike of American policies. In a sense there are no "North Korean people". The "people" only exist to serve the dictator for his personal comfort and safety. To this end, the dictator will abuse, starve and sacrifice millions of his citizens. The son of the previous dictator, he uses Orwellian methods to control the people including state control of media, omnipresent propaganda, arrest of dissidents and a vast prison system of political prisoners. This is the regime Mr. Thom is enamored with and wants to protect from evil America.

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