Friday, August 13, 2010

Natures Strategy

It is well known that for every plant and animal nature has built-in procreation in greater numbers than can be sustained by their environment. This strategy is meant to overcome the fact that most offspring will never reach maturity. Plants generate thousands of seeds or millions of spores and many of the offspring of animals do not survive the hazards of life.
Human animals have reached a world population of about 6.5 billion and it is projected to be 9 billion by 2050. Most of the increase will be in the third world, which can least afford it. There is real doubt whether the world environment can support these numbers. The pessimistic view is that environmental damage combined with war, famine and disease will result in the premature death of hundreds of millions people. The USA and western Europe may expect millions will seek refuge illegally on our soil. We better be prepared.

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