Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Show horses and work horses

Sen. Trent Lott (r-Miss) has the gift of gab. When he was leader of the Senate a reporter asked him why some Senators were on TV so much more than other Senators. He said the Senate has show horses and work horses. The work horses are off camera getting the people's work done. Senator Lott has that 'gentlemanly' southern accent and expression that is pleasant to the ear. He also is outspoken and candid...rare qualities in Washington. That and a moment of poor judgement at Strom Thurmond's retirement party cost him his Senate leader job.

In my career in the civil service I knew some "show horses" who looked good and sounded good in meetings but did not do the hard work and never got their hands dirty. They got promoted to management.

U.S. Senator Trent Lott

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