Comments on Black NFL Players Protests
Comments I have posted in the Bloomington paper:
The root of the NFL protests is the lie that police are killing black people for no reason whatsoever. Statistics and investigations show this to be false but the NFL players choose to ignore facts and instead absorb the propaganda spouted by BLM (Black Lies Matter).The "harmless protest" is really an expression of hate for America by black people. It is based on lies fed to people who are eager to believe that America and white people are evil.
Trump is right! These player's actions say that they hate America and they especially hate white people whom they blame for everything. The propaganda of 'Black Lies Matter' has this effect. I have enjoyed NFL games but now that it is clear the players hate America and hate me I cannot root for a team and enjoy the sport any longer. Turn off the NFL!
IU Law Prof Lovelace sounds off: Lovelace said. "It's hypocritical for Donald Trump to devalue the First Amendment rights of the NFL's protesting players as he routinely exercises his rights to spread white supremacy. He tweets out these things that are protected by the First Amendment, but when others disagree, he wants to silence those people."
Another flakey IU faculty member using the current propaganda slogan "white supremacy" to lie about our president. Lovelace also shows his professional incompetence by not realizing that if you are an employee and you are at work your employer has a right and a duty to limit your activitys in that workplace.
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