We older guys have heard some common jokes and sayings that should be passed on to the younger generation.
"Big hat, no cattle." Back in the day in some parts of Texas a certain amount of status and pride went with being a big cattle rancher. For these folks wearing a stetson cowboy hat went with the status. So the comment in quotes is a put-down on someone who tries to look the part but is not the real deal.
"It depends on who's bull is getting gored." Before modern times is was common to bring livestock, including cattle, to the local community market on market day. Bulls are known for their aggressiveness and will attack and attempt to gore other bulls when they are brought together. This of course could be a financial loss to the owner of the losing bull. So the saying implies that the agitated owner will run to the scene and attempt to rescue his bull while other farmers may just be spectators enjoying the show.
"We ain't got no dog in this hunt" Refers to the sport of coon hunting using dogs to track and tree the quarry. Owners knew the voice of their dog and could follow the sound and knew which dogs were on the scent. The saying expresses a lack of personal stake in the matter at hand.
Friends are the family you choose.
If you have a hammer everything looks like a nail.