Wednesday, December 05, 2012

What is Time?

Time has been called the fourth dimension. Your car is sitting somewhere. It has a location relative to a reference point at x, y and z coordinates. Your GPS can show it’s x-y (latitude and longitude) as well as z (elevation for aircraft GPS). But at 7am tomorrow your car will disappear from that location when you go to work. It will return to about that same location at 5pm. So we have to add a time to the xyz to insure the car is really there when we observe the location.
A Physicist said “Time is what keeps everything from happening at once.” I suppose that was a tongue in cheek answer but it does make sense.  We cannot all occupy the same space at the same time.  As the Bible says, there is a time to sow and a time to reap,  you cannot do both at the same time.  Can time be tinkered with? Einstein’s equations predict that if the velocity of a spaceship approaches that of light, time slows down for those on-board relative to a stationary observer. There are other effects such as an increase in mass and decrease in length of the spaceship.  Weird stuff! The word spacetime was created to describe the interaction.
I have tried to think of a Time as a river as have others ("The river of time") but I cannot make it work. If we are floating down the river, does the shore represent history after we pass? Time is hard to think about in isolation.
There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
              a time for war and a time for peace.
Songs about time:
Right Place, Wrong Time...Dr. John 
As Time Goes By...Natalie Cole 
It's Just A Matter Of Time ...Brook Benton

Monday, October 08, 2012

Old Sayings I have heard

We older guys have heard some common jokes and sayings that should be passed on to the younger generation.

"Big hat, no cattle." Back in the day in some parts of Texas a certain amount of status and pride went with being a big cattle rancher. For these folks wearing a stetson cowboy hat went with the status. So the comment in quotes is a put-down on someone who tries to look the part but is not the real deal.

"It depends on who's bull is getting gored." Before modern times is was common to bring livestock, including cattle, to the local community market on market day. Bulls are known for their aggressiveness and will attack and attempt to gore other bulls when they are brought together. This of course could be a financial loss to the owner of the losing bull. So the saying implies that the agitated owner will run to the scene and attempt to rescue his bull while other farmers may just be spectators enjoying the show.

"We ain't got no dog in this hunt" Refers to the sport of coon hunting using dogs to track and tree the quarry. Owners knew the voice of their dog and could follow the sound and knew which dogs were on the scent. The saying expresses a lack of personal stake in the matter at hand.

Friends are the family you choose.

If you have a hammer everything looks like a nail.

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Face Measurements

But is she as pretty inside? I hope she is a good person. I notice she has the caucasion 'peaches and cream' complection I find so attractive.

Florence Colgate: Girl who has 'Britain's most beautiful face' | Mail Online

Saturday, April 21, 2012

A woman's face is said to be most attractive when the space between her pupils is just under half the width of her face from ear to ear. Florence scores a 44 per cent ratio. Experts also believe the relative distance between eyes and mouth should be just over a third of the measurement from hairline to chin. Florence's ratio is 32.8 per cent.

Mark Steyn Explains The Euro Crisis

Mark Steyn has a gift with words and is the most interesting conservative commentator around.

"Europe" has a basic identity crisis: As the Germans have begun to figure out, just because the Greeks live in the same general neighborhood is no reason to open a joint checking account. And yet a decade ago, when it counted, everyone who mattered on the Continent assumed a common currency for nations with nothing in common was so obviously brilliant an idea it was barely worth explaining to the masses. In the absence of ethnic or cultural compatibility, the European Union offered Big Government as a substitute: The project was propped up by two pillars — social welfare and defense welfare. The former regulated Europe into economic sloth even as India, China, and Brazil began figuring out how this capitalism thing worked. The latter meant that the U.S. defense umbrella ensured once-lavish budgets for hussars and lancers could be reallocated to government health care and other lollipops — and it still wasn't enough. Whatever the individual merits of ever-more-leisurely education, 30-hour work weeks, six weeks' vacation, retirement at 50, the cumulative impact is that not enough people do not enough work for not enough of their lives. And once large numbers of people acquire the habits of a leisured class, there are not many easy ways back to reality.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Choices we make and poverty

 I believe every high school girl should read this article from the NY Times.

       Stephen Crowley/The New York Times

ANN ARBOR, Mich. — Jessica Schairer has so much in common with her boss, Chris Faulkner, that a visitor to the day care center they run might get them confused.

 They are both friendly white women from modest Midwestern backgrounds who left for college with conventional hopes of marriage, motherhood and career. They both have children in elementary school. They pass their days in similar ways: juggling toddlers, coaching teachers and swapping small secrets that mark them as friends. They even got tattoos together. Though Ms. Faulkner, as the boss, earns more money, the difference is a gap, not a chasm.

But a friendship that evokes parity by day becomes a study of inequality at night and a testament to the way family structure deepens class divides. Ms. Faulkner is married and living on two paychecks, while Ms. Schairer is raising her children by herself. That gives the Faulkner family a profound advantage in income and nurturing time, and makes their children statistically more likely to finish college, find good jobs and form stable marriages.

Ms. Faulkner goes home to a trim subdivision and weekends crowded with children’s events. Ms. Schairer’s rent consumes more than half her income, and she scrapes by on food stamps.

“I see Chris’s kids — they’re in swimming and karate and baseball and Boy Scouts, and it seems like it’s always her or her husband who’s able to make it there,” Ms. Schairer said. “That’s something I wish I could do for my kids. But number one, that stuff costs a lot of money and, two, I just don’t have the time.”

The economic storms of recent years have raised concerns about growing inequality and questions about a core national faith, that even Americans of humble backgrounds have a good chance of getting ahead. Most of the discussion has focused on labor market forces like falling blue-collar wages and lavish Wall Street pay.

But striking changes in family structure have also broadened income gaps and posed new barriers to upward mobility. College-educated Americans like the Faulkners are increasingly likely to marry one another, compounding their growing advantages in pay. Less-educated women like Ms. Schairer, who left college without finishing her degree, are growing less likely to marry at all, raising children on pinched paychecks that come in ones, not twos.

Estimates vary widely, but scholars have said that changes in marriage patterns — as opposed to changes in individual earnings — may account for as much as 40 percent of the growth in certain measures of inequality. Long a nation of economic extremes, the United States is also becoming a society of family haves and family have-nots, with marriage and its rewards evermore confined to the fortunate classes.

“It is the privileged Americans who are marrying, and marrying helps them stay privileged,” said Andrew Cherlin, a sociologist at Johns Hopkins University.

About 41 percent of births in the United States occur outside marriage, up sharply from 17 percent three decades ago. But equally sharp are the educational divides, according to an analysis by Child Trends, a Washington research group. Less than 10 percent of the births to college-educated women occur outside marriage, while for women with high school degrees or less the figure is nearly 60 percent.

Long concentrated among minorities, motherhood outside marriage now varies by class about as much as it does by race. It is growing fastest in the lower reaches of the white middle class — among women like Ms. Schairer who have some postsecondary schooling but no four-year degree.

While many children of single mothers flourish (two of the last three presidents had mothers who were single during part of their childhood), a large body of research shows that they are more likely than similar children with married parents to experience childhood poverty, act up in class, become teenage parents and drop out of school.

Sara McLanahan, a Princeton sociologist, warns that family structure increasingly consigns children to “diverging destinies.”

Married couples are having children later than they used to, divorcing less and investing heavily in parenting time. By contrast, a growing share of single mothers have never married, and many have children with more than one man.

“The people with more education tend to have stable family structures with committed, involved fathers,” Ms. McLanahan said. “The people with less education are more likely to have complex, unstable situations involving men who come and go.”

She said, “I think this process is creating greater gaps in these children’s life chances.”

Ms. Schairer’s life offers a vivid example of how rapidly norms have changed. She grew up in a small town outside Ann Arbor, where her life revolved around church and school and everyone she knew was married.

“I thought, ‘I’ll meet someone, and we’ll marry and have kids and the house and the white picket fence,’ ” she said. “That’s what I wanted. That’s what I still want.”

She got pregnant during her first year of college, left school and stayed in a troubled relationship that left her with three children when it finally collapsed six years ago. She has had little contact with the children’s father and receives no child support. With an annual income of just under $25,000, Ms. Schairer barely lifts her children out of poverty, but she is not one to complain. “I’m in this position because of decisions I made,” she said.

She buys generic cereal at about half the brand-name price, takes the children to church every week and posts their happy moments on her Facebook page. Inequality is a word she rarely uses, though her family life is a showcase of its broadening reach.

“Two incomes would certainly help with the bills,” she said. “But it’s parenting, too. I wish I could say, ‘Call your dad.’ ”

Path to Single Motherhood

The van with the cracked windshield arrived on a recent day at 7:30 a.m., and three people emerged, the smallest stifling yawns. Several days a week, Ms. Schairer opens the child care center 45 minutes before she can send her two youngest children to school. Bored children in work spaces make mornings tense.

Savannah, 7, crossed the play area on stilts. Steavon, 10, threw a ball. As parents with infants and toddlers hurried past, Ms. Schairer chided the two to stay out of the way. “They’re really not supposed to be here,” she said.

Steavon has Asperger syndrome, a mild form of autism that can lead to sharp mood swings. He slumped on her desk, wanting $2 to buy a bagel at school. Ms. Schairer does not carry cash — one way not to spend it — and handed him pretzels from home. “I don’t like those!” he said, shoving them away.

Ms. Schairer is known for a spotless desk. Steavon found a leaky pen.

“I’m ready for you to go,” she said.

Time away is money lost — Ms. Schairer punched a clock by the door — so she hurried the children to school and returned with a look of relief. A stop in Ms. Faulkner’s office brought a bit of rejuvenating gossip: two teachers were having a tiff. Adult diversions are absent at home.

“I talk to myself a lot,” Ms. Schairer said.

Although she grew up in the 1990s, Ms. Schairer’s small-town childhood had a 1950s feel. Her father drove a beer truck, her mother served as church trustee and her grandparents lived next door. She knew no one rich, no one poor and no one raising children outside of marriage. “It was just the way it was,” she said.

William Penn University, eight hours away in Iowa, offered a taste of independence and a spot on the basketball team. Her first thought when she got pregnant was “My mother’s going to kill me.” Abortion crossed her mind, but her boyfriend, an African-American student from Arkansas, said they should start a family. They agreed that marriage should wait until they could afford a big reception and a long gown.

Their odds were not particularly good: nearly half the unmarried parents living together at a child’s birth split up within five years, according to Child Trends.

Ms. Schairer has trouble explaining, even to herself, why she stayed so long with a man who she said earned little, berated her often and did no parenting. They lived with family (his and hers) and worked off and on while she hoped things would change. “I wanted him to love me,” she said. She was 25 when the breakup made it official: she was raising three children on her own.

She had just answered an ad from a child care center that needed a teacher’s assistant. Ms. Faulkner hired her and promoted her twice, most recently to assistant director.

“She was always stepping out of the classroom and helping,” Ms. Faulkner said. “She just had that drive, that leader in her. I trust her completely.”

Ms. Schairer took night classes and earned a degree from Washtenaw Community College. A supervisor from the corporate office wrote, “We are so lucky to have you.” Still, after nearly six years, she remains an hourly employee making $12.35 an hour, simultaneously in management and on food stamps.

After Ms. Schairer had an operation for cervical cancer last summer, the surgeon told her to take six weeks off. She went back to work five weeks early, with a rare flash of class anger. “It’s easy when you make $500 an hour to stand there and tell me to take six weeks off,” she said. “I can’t have six weeks with no pay.”

A Broadening Gap

Despite the egalitarian trappings of her youth, Ms. Schairer was born (in 1981) as a tidal surge of inequality was remaking American life. Incomes at the top soared, progress in the middle stalled and the paychecks of the poor fell sharply.

Four decades ago, households with children at the 90th percentile of incomes received five times as much as those at the 10th percentile, according to Bruce Western and Tracey Shollenberger of the Harvard sociology department. Now they have 10 times as much. The gaps have widened even more higher up the income scale.

The reasons are manifold: the growing premium a college education commands, technological change that favors mind over muscle, the growth of the financial sector, the loss of manufacturing jobs to automation and foreign competitors, and the decline of labor unions.

But marriage also shapes the story in complex ways. Economic woes speed marital decline, as women see fewer “marriageable men.” The opposite also holds true: marital decline compounds economic woes, since it leaves the needy to struggle alone.

“The people who need to stick together for economic reasons don’t,” said Christopher Jencks, a Harvard sociologist. “And the people who least need to stick together do.”

Changes in family structure do not explain the gains of the very rich — the much-discussed “1 percent” and the richest among them. That story largely spills from Wall Street trading floors and corporate boardrooms.

But for inequality more broadly, Mr. Western found that the growth in single parenthood in recent decades accounted for 15 percent to 25 percent of the widening income gaps. (Estimates depend on the time period, the income tiers and the definition of inequality.) Gary Burtless of the Brookings Institution found it to account for 21 percent. Robert Lerman of the Urban Institute, comparing lower-middle- and upper-middle-income families, found that single parenthood explained about 40 percent of inequality’s growth. “That’s not peanuts,” he said.

Across Middle America, single motherhood has moved from an anomaly to a norm with head-turning speed. (That change received a burst of attention this year with the publication of Charles Murray’s new book, “Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010,” which attributed the decline of marriage to the erosion of values, rather than the decline of economic opportunity.)

As recently as 1990, just 10 percent of the births to women like Ms. Schairer (white women with some postsecondary schooling but not a full college degree) occurred outside marriage, according to Child Trends. Now it has tripled to 30 percent, compared with just 8 percent for women of all races with college degrees.

Less-educated women are also more likely to have children with more than one man. Analyzing nearly 2,000 mothers in their mid- to late 20s, Child Trends found that a third of those with high school degrees or less already had children with multiple men. So did 12 percent of mothers with some post-high-school training. But none of the women in the study who had finished college before giving birth had children with multiple men.

“That’s a dramatic difference, and it varies by education more than by race,” said Mindy Scott, a Child Trends demographer. “It tells you these families are on different trajectories. Having men in the house for a short time with ambiguous parenting roles can be really disruptive for children.”

Ms. Schairer did not have a child with another man, but she did find a new boyfriend, who she thought would help with the children and the bills. They dated for a year before he moved in. Kirsten, 11, and Savannah liked him fine, but Steavon adored him.

“I’m not the only boy anymore; we’re going to do boy stuff!” Ms. Schairer recounts him saying.

“What’s boy stuff?” she asked.

“We’re going to play video games and shoot Nerf guns and play Legos,” he said.

“We do that now,” she said.

“Yeah, but you’re not a boy,” he said.

The details of what followed are less important than the disappointment the boyfriend left behind. No Legos got built during his six-month stay, and it took a call to the police to get him to go. The children asked about him a few days later but have not mentioned him since.

Whether measured by Legos or marriage rates, the pattern is similar: the middle is shifting toward the bottom.

Forty years ago, the top and middle income thirds had virtually identical family patterns: more than 95 percent of households with children in either tier had two parents in the home. Since then the groups have diverged, according to Mr. Western and Ms. Shollenberger: 88 percent at the top have two parents, but just 71 percent do in the middle.

“Things remained extremely stable in the top third,” Mr. Western said. “The middle is increasingly suffering some of the same disadvantages as the bottom.”

That is the essence of the story of Ms. Faulkner and Ms. Schairer. What most separates them is not the impact of globalization on their wages but a 6-foot-8-inch man named Kevin.

School Trips and Scouting

Kevin Faulkner works the sunrise shift twice a week, leaving home at 5:30 a.m. for a computer programming job so he can leave work in time to take his sons to afternoon swim practice. Jeremy, 12, is serious and quiet. Justin, 10, is less driven but more openly affectionate. They arrived home recently to a note from Ms. Faulkner about the next day’s Boy Scout trip.

Thursday night:


Kevin — Pay Home Depot

Chris — Sort clothes

The couple’s life together has unfolded in to-do-list style. They did not inherit wealth or connections or rise on rare talent. They just did standard things in standard order: high school, college, job, marriage and children. “I don’t think I could have done it any more by the books,” Ms. Faulkner said.

The result is a three-bedroom house, two busy boys and an annual Disney cruise.

The secret to their success resides in part in old-fashioned math: strength in numbers. Together, the Faulkners earn nearly three times as much as what Ms. Faulkner earns alone. Their high five-figure income ranks them near the 75th percentile — hardly rich, but better off than nearly three of four families with children.

For Ms. Schairer, the logic works in reverse. Her individual income of $24,500 puts her at the 49th percentile among parents: smack in the middle. But with only one paycheck, her family income falls to the 19th percentile, lagging more than four out of five.

The Faulkners built a house in Livingston County because of the good schools. Ms. Schairer cares about education, too. But with Ann Arbor rents wreaking havoc on her budget, she is considering a move to a neighboring town where the school system lags. She shops at discount grocery stores and tells Savannah to keep away a friend who raids the cabinets.

“I feel bad, like maybe she’s not getting enough to eat,” Ms. Schairer said. “But sometimes I don’t know what I’m going to feed my own kids, never mind another.”

Jeremy Faulkner plays tennis and takes karate. Justin plays soccer and baseball. They both swim and participate in Boy Scouts, including a weeklong summer camp that brings the annual activities bill to about $3,500.

Boy Scouts has been especially important, offering the boys leadership opportunities and time with their father, who helps manage the troop and rarely misses a weekly meeting or monthly camping trip. Jeremy started as a shy boy terrified of public speaking. Now he leads the singalong and is racing to make Eagle Scout.

“He’s just blossomed through Boy Scouts,” Ms. Faulkner said. “I could do the scouting with them, because we have single moms who play that role. But they have different experiences with their dad. Kevin makes good money, but he’s an awesome dad.”

Ms. Schairer tells an opposite story: constraints in time and money limit her children to one sports season a year. That compounds Steavon’s isolation, she said, and reduces her chances to network on his behalf. When she invited his classmates to a park on his birthday a few months ago, no one came.

“He cried and cried and cried,” she said. “I tried the parents I had numbers for, but they didn’t respond.”

Researchers have found that extracurricular activities can enhance academic performance, and scholars cite a growing activities gap to help explain why affluent children tend to do so much better than others in school.

Four decades ago, families in the top income fifth spent about four times as much as those at the bottom fifth on things like sports, music and private schools, according to research by Greg J. Duncan of the University of California, Irvine, and Richard J. Murnane of Harvard. Now affluent families spend seven times as much.

Two parents also bring two parenting perspectives. Ms. Faulkner does bedtime talks. Mr. Faulkner does math. When Ms. Faulkner’s coaxing failed to persuade Jeremy to try hamburgers, Mr. Faulkner offered to jump in a pool fully clothed if he took a bite — an offer Jeremy found too tempting to refuse.

While many studies have found that children of single parents are more likely to grow up poor, less is known about their chances of advancement as adults. But there are suggestions that the absence of a father in the house makes it harder for children to climb the economic ladder.

Scott Winship of the Brookings Institution examined the class trajectories of 2,400 Americans now in their mid-20s. Among those raised in the poorest third as teenagers, 58 percent living with two parents moved up to a higher level as adults, compared with just 44 percent of those with an absent parent.

A parallel story played out at the top: just 15 percent of teenagers living with two parents fell to the bottom third, compared with 27 percent of teenagers without both parents.

“You’re more likely to rise out of the bottom if you live with two parents, and you’re less likely to fall out of the top,” Mr. Winship said.

Mr. Winship interprets his own results cautiously, warning that other differences (like race, education or parenting styles) may also separate the two groups. And even if marriage helped the people who got married, he warns, it might hurt other families if it tied them to troubled men.

“You get back to the question of how many marriageable men there are,” he said.

At the same time, scholars have found that marriage itself can have a motivating effect, pushing men to earn more than unmarried peers. Marriage, that is, can help make men marriageable.

As Mr. Faulkner tells it, something like that happened to him — he returned to college after an aimless hiatus because he wanted to marry Ms. Faulkner. “I knew I had to get serious about my life,” he said.

His experiences as a father so far suggest just how much there is to be said for simply showing up.

“Thank you for coming, Dad,” Justin wrote after a school trip. “I like it when you’re with me at every event and watching me do every activity.”

He added 16 exclamation points.

End of the Day

Left to do the showing up alone, Ms. Schairer makes big efforts. She rarely misses a weekend of church with the children, and she sacrificed a day’s pay this spring to chaperon field day at Steavon and Savannah’s school. “They were both saying, ‘This is my mom, my mom is here!’ ” she said.

In February, she received $7,000 of refundable tax credits, the low-wage worker’s annual bonus. She prepaid her rent for six months and bought plane tickets to Orlando, Fla. After years of seeing pictures of Ms. Faulkner’s vacations, she wanted to give her children one of their own.

“Do you think we’ll see Jesus?” Savannah asked on the flight. “I hope the plane doesn’t run him over.”

They stayed with Ms. Schairer’s brother, visited SeaWorld and Gatorland, and brought back happy memories. But the trip soon began to seem long ago, more a break from their life than an embodiment of it.

Ms. Schairer sank into the couch on a recent Friday night, looking weary, and half-watched a rerun of “Friends.” Steavon retreated to his room to watch “Superman” alone, and Savannah went out to play with the girl who always seems hungry. Kirsten was in her pajamas at 7 o’clock. They had few weekend plans.

Thirty miles away, Troop 395 was pitching tents beside a rural airstrip, where the next day the boys would take glider rides and earn aviation badges. The fields and barns looked as tidy as cartoons, and an extravagant sunset painted them pomegranate.

The clipboard in Justin Faulkner’s hands called for an early reveille. “I’m the patrol leader,” he said, beaming.

Thirty minutes later, a rope appeared. Boys started to boast. Mr. Faulkner snapped on his tug of war gloves, only to discover that Justin had disappeared. He found him sitting in the grass nearby, fighting back tears. “I want to go home,” Justin said.

Mr. Faulkner did not say much. Jeremy used to get homesick, too. Now he is halfway to Eagle Scout. After a while Mr. Faulkner asked, “Are you sure you don’t want to do a tug of war against me?”

Justin watched the other boys tumble. “When?” he said.

“We can do it right now,” Mr. Faulkner said.

It was not much of a contest for a man who outweighs his two sons combined by more than 100 pounds. Justin fell face first and bumped through the cool grass — a laughing tenderfoot pulled along by his dad

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Local Newspaper Reporting

The Atlantic (January/February 2010): "There’s an old joke about the provincial newspaper that reports a nuclear attack on the nation’s largest city under the headline “Local Man Dies in NY Nuclear Holocaust.” Something similar happens at the national level, where everything is filtered through politics. (“In what was widely seen as a setback for Democrats just a year before the midterm elections, nuclear bombs yesterday obliterated seven states, five of which voted for President Obama in the last election …”)"

Forgive to Feel Better

Copied this article from the Daily Mail (UK). I love the parable but forgiving is impossible sometimes.
(Daily Mail UK March 13 2012):
This is an old Native-American parable.
 ‘I feel as if I have two wolves fighting in my heart,’ a grandfather tells his grandson.
‘One wolf is vengeful, angry and violent. The other is loving and compassionate.’

‘Which wolf will win?’ the grandson asks.

‘The one I feed,’ the grand- father answers.
So it is with forgiveness. We’ve all been hurt, or wronged by enemies, or worse, by lovers. The way we react defines the health of our relationship. If we hold on to the hurt, it will turn to anger, resentment and even violence.

Letting it go has the power to change our lives for the better. Forgiveness is essentially selfish. To forgive even makes us healthier — less prone to anxiety and depression, with lower blood pressure. But how do you let go of those things that claw at your insides?
One answer is meditation. Find a quiet space and let your mind go and observe the thoughts. Notice that they are just thoughts, just temporary.

Now imagine them floating away. By feeding the compassion inside us we can move on to a happier, healthier place. Which is the place where love lives.
Value: Understand the power of forgiveness to change your life. Forgive for your own sake.
    Reflect: Think objectively about what happened and why. Understanding is the first step in forgiving.
  • Choose: Once you’re ready, choose to forgive. And keep choosing to do so. True forgiveness means forgiving until you’ve forgotten.

Friday, March 09, 2012

Kindle E-Reader and Other Stuff

I sit here with my morning coffee thinking about my Kindle e-book reader and (paper) books. It occurs to me I am living through another change caused by new technology. Being born in 1942, I have seen  several such changes. I have purchased several e-books on-line from Amazon and borrowed e-books on-line from my library. In the Internet age  distance means nothing but I still wonder at receiving books from an Indiana library while sitting here in Florida. Once selected from the on-line site the books usually appear on my Kindle in less than 60 seconds. Wow!

The e-books cannot be put on your shelf for future use...but they will exist in your e-book memory and the “cloud “ storage maintained for you by Amazon. My early model Kindle does not handle pictures and drawings well…but the e-print is expandable and easier to read than paper print. Graphics can be beautiful on PCs or an IPAD if you use them as your e-reader. E-readers with full color graphics are already here but the publishing industry is still working on a e-book business model that can survive.

Looking back to my youth I remember our home before TV. My parents used radio like we use TV today. The programming was the same type as today…drama, music, news, etc. but the pictures were in your imagination. When I was about eight (1950) we got our first black and white TV. I think color TV came to our house about 10 years later. Vacumn tubes powered our TVs. Stores had tube testers that you could use to find out which tube should be relaced. The transistor was a nerdy thing unknown to the public at the time that was to change the world.

The first transistor was invented at Bell Laboratories on December 16, 1947 by William Shockley (seated at Brattain's laboratory bench), John Bardeen (left) and Walter Brattain (right). This was perhaps the most important electronics event of the 20th century

My first hands-on contact with computers was in the Navy. I was one of the first group  of Data System Tech ratings in the Navy. Our computer was a refrigerator sized box. It was made up of circuit boards with individual transistors in pencil eraser size cans with three legs (wires). The memory was a 32Kbit magnetic core type that was unreliable. We used front panel buttons laid out in binary and octal (based 8 number system) format to control the computer. My cheap digital wrist watch today has more power.

At IU (1960-61) a class I had covered FORTRAN, one of the early programming languages. We wrote some simple programs which were then put on punch cards. We took the cards over to the temple (the climate controlled computing center) where priests (operators) would feed out cards into the machine and the Gods (big main frame computers) would print out our fate (error! Invalid command!).
Fall registration at IU was a nightmare for some, especially Freshmen. Students gathered in the big gymnasium on 7th street with class schedules in hand. No computers were used until after registration to sort the punch cards. Each department had tables set up and you lined up to wait your turn at the table. Then you find that the class (e.g. English 101 at 9:30 MWF)  is full so you have go back to other tables to change class times you already have in order to get the required classes at non-conflicting times. This led to un-workable situations for some kids as the classes filled up. The university figured on a 50% drop-out rate so they never had enough freshman classes. I saw kids sitting on the gym floor crying in frustration.

My first PC at work (1970) used the Microsoft DOS operating system. MS-DOS  is how Bill Gates began the road to become the wealthiest man in the world. This was command-line input…type in an instruction on the black and white monitor, hit return and see what happens. We also wrote programs in FORTRAN or BASIC to control test machines and analyze data.

Of course there has been progress in many fields since 1942 that have changed our lives in many ways. The engineers that figured out how to build a cell phone system went unnoticed by the public but the impact of it is now obvious to everyone. There was no new fundamental science breakthrough but existing technologies were put together in new way. So there is always stuff in the works below the public’s radar that may get our attention in a big way someday. Bill Gates talked about this and said advances do not happen overnight but on a scale of five or ten years big things can happen.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

China and Hope

China may become a super-power like the USA.  Will they be hostile and threatening? Will we have another cold-war with the nuclear threat? China's GDP is 2nd in size to the USA. However, the per-capita income of China's 1.3 Billion people is still 3rd world level and it will be generations before they approach US standards, if ever. China's GDP growth is due to the capitalist economy the Communist leadership has allowed recently and the Chinese are clever and inventive people. Since the Communist party is still in power,  I wonder what tortured logic they use to explain how Communism is still relevant? I suspect people in power will always find a way to remain in power.

We hope China evolves toward a lawful and just society.   There are reasons for hope.  First, there is the (limited) free enterprise China now allows.  Trade and commercial interaction with former enemies can be a good thing. Second, about 160,000 Chinese are being educated in American universities.  During the cold war, Russia did not send students here. So this is a big, positive difference. China, India and South Korea supply  almost 50% of overseas students here. IU has about 5400 foreign students and Purdue has 7500 foreign students of which 22% are Chinese. These students will return to China with new experiences and ideas and assume positions of leadership in society.  Third is the softening of Communist radicalism.  The old cold-war was driven by Marxist dogma. Like Islamic Jihad, Communism was to be forcibly exported to the rest of the world. China has now (partially) embraced the "enemy". How can they preach revolution for the world?

There are some negatives: Corruption in government was bad under Mao and continues today. Then there is the difficult issue of 1.3 billion people with aspirations to a better life. If these aspirations are unfulfilled, will the country become unstable? Can the communist government evolve or will the conflict with Marxist underpinnings cause an explosion? Anything can happen during times of great change, good or bad.